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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Belk Eye Clinic & Optical the leading provider of vision care products and services in Gulfport.

Craig Belk, O.D

Dr. Belk received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Missouri Southern in 1987 and his Doctor of Optometry from the University of Missouri- St. Louis in 1991. He did his clinical internships at HuHuKam Memorial Hospital in Sacaton, AZ, Colorado Optometric Center in Denver, CO, and Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS.

He began private practice in 1992 and his current staff has been with him since the beginning. Dr. Belk is a Past President of the Mississippi Optometric Association and has served on its board for many years.

Paul M. Williston, O.D.

Dr. Williston is a lifelong resident of Gulfport, MS. He received his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology at Mississippi State University and his Doctor of Optometry from Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN. Dr Williston’s clinical internships were done at Total Eye Care in Memphis, TN, and with The Eye Institute & Schulz Eye Care in New Port Richey, FL.

Dr. Williston is a current member of both the Mississippi and American Optometric Association as well as serving on a legislative committee for the MOA. Dr. Williston has been with Belk Eye Clinic & Optical since he began private practice in 2006.

Nha Ashley Ngo, O.D.

Dr. Ashley Ngo is a highly skilled and dedicated optometrist with a passion for providing exceptional healthcare to all her patients. Dr. Ngo completed her bachelor’s degree in biomedical science at South Alabama in Mobile, AL and her doctorate of optometry at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN. After completing her education, Dr. Ngo returned back home to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi with a mission to provide high-quality medical eyecare to her fellow residents. She is proud to serve the community she grew up in and is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of her patients.

Outside of the office, Dr. Ngo enjoys cooking, exploring nature, watching and playing sports (football, golf, pickleball, tennis, basketball -just about any sport you can think of!). She believes in maintaining a healthy work-life balance to recharge and bring her best self to her patients.

With a strong dedication to patient care, expertise in optometry, and a compassionate approach, Dr. Ngo is a valuable asset to our office. She is committed to providing exceptional healthcare and improving the lives of our patients.